If you don’t know the size of your bathtub, you can measure it with a tape measure. Apply a simple formula: Length (m) x Width (m) x Depth (m) = Volume (m3), you will find out the volume.

How many liters are in the bathroom?

As a rule, small bathtubs hold about 160 liters of water, standard bathtubs – 220 to 230 liters, large bathtubs – from 230-240 liters and more.

How to choose the right bathtub size?

The first criterion you should pay attention to is size. The capacity should be such that all family members can fit freely in it. For a person with a height of 160-180 cm, a bowl 70-80 cm wide and 150-180 cm long will be optimal. This is enough to fit comfortably.

Which acrylic bathtub is better?

The best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs are Ravak (Czech Republic), Cersanit (Poland), Riho (Holland), PoolSpa (Spain).